Wednesday, June 12, 2024

What Do You Think?

I’m going to try a different kind of blog…how about we all try to have an actual little chit chat…just pleasant, friendly, and respectful input between us regular folks out here; I’d love to hear from you! So, I have chosen three different topics that will hopefully catch your eye and draw you in and interest you enough, in some way, to share your thoughts. How about we take it out for a spin and see what happens... 

1) Sunsets or sunrises…boy, now that's a tough choice for me; I’m a Gemini (😊) so I love them both. I see a sunrise as a fresh new start to greet a fresh new day. Sunsets take my breath away and I if I’m sitting before one with a smile on the face of my heart then the day closes as a success. What do you think?

2) Books and authors…when asked what my all-time favorite book is my reply is quick; “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. It’s a make you feel good and hit you in the gut kinda book…I like those kind. One of my fav authors, however, would be Lee Childs…he’s a get you, grip you, got you till the end kinda writer…I like that kind too. What do you think?

3) Those “just can’t ignore them” late night snack cravings…I usually lose the argument with my tummy and raid the kitchen. I’m having chips right now in fact! My fav “go to” late night snack lately is a peanut butter and banana sandwich. I’ve got a kick for them. I am also weak to Queso Potato Chips, Kettle corn popcorn, and vanilla bean ice cream! I’m not even going to get started on the cheesecake wants! Those are my favs and I’m sure y’all have some favs too. And I’m totally guilt free for nibbling them while in bed! There is no more fitting place to have that late night snack. What do you think?

Pam's late-night thoughts (and cravings)...


  1. Nice post Pam. For me I think I like to see the sunrise it makes me feel more cheerful. My favorite book would be a toss up between the Rain Man by John Grisham or Tommyknockers by Stephen King
    Favorite snack would be chips and dip and second favorite we probably be cinnabons-yummy.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me and I would never turn down Cinnabon's either!
