Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Be the hand that helps someone...

Everywhere I turn there is someone in need of help. Not pity, money or sympathy…they just need help and/or direction. For instance, if you are one who has never had to deal with healthcare, available resources, and insurance fine lines and you get sick then here come the bills! Unneeded tests are done, too many trips back and forth to different doctors because, to the other side, it’s clear you aren’t familiar with the arena. I know that arena well from experience so when I see a situation that I know exactly what needs to be done and save one time and money and worry…then I’m damn sure going to do it. If I have someone in a parking lot ask me for money my answer is no…but I will gladly offer to take them in the store and buy them a bite to eat and a few bottles of water. If you know someone who suddenly is some legal issue, and you are familiar with the law at all then let it be a duty to help them understand the inner workings and offer up your suggestions…they need that help. If one needs a ride to a doc appointment or to the grocery store and such but they have no car then I am going to help them get where they need to be and home again. I am proud of the fact that I am built with enough compassion to notice one who needs helps and with enough “grit” to get that help provided. When you see that something is wrong then it’s a human kindness rule to bring that to the forefront for someone and get it resolved as it should have been from jump. I am just not one who can walk away from someone needing help when I know what to do to help. I try each day to end it knowing that it was a personal success because I was able to guide and advise someone who had no clue what to do next...that I was able to make Pammy Magic happen. See, I shall maintain my belief that kindness can’t be cured, and that compassion will alter lives and that’s two things we should all believe. I leave you now with your thoughts on this and with hopes beyond hope that we are able to salvage more kindness and more compassion…it’s the heartbeat and soul strings that keep the wheels of life turning. Step up to the plate and be that hand that helps someone…the reward is almost immediate and the outcome of something better is always a win/win thing. Don’t turn your head, don’t shut your eyes, and don’t not listen…someone is going to need you and if you can at all…you best show up!

Pam's late-night thoughts...

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