Sunday, March 31, 2013

Captured Grace...

    They tell us to "grow old gracefully," as the old saying goes. And what a beautiful piece of advice this is for if we do this then we will be gathering elegantly the bounty of passing years. We should not be afraid in surrendering our youth but rather looking forward with all that we already know. Be gracefull  like that of the hummingbird taking flight around an exotic flower. Be strong as oak and delicate as a rose petal. Be bright and unique.
      Capture your inner most being, cultivate it, and wear it in the way you walk and the way you talk and think. Hold your head high and your grace will shine through like a beacon and the further along we go the more lives we get to touch and the more others touch us in return. Be so that your grace brings great memories to many people; therefore a piece of you always lives on. And that is pure and simple Captured Grace...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The betrayed and forgotten...

    All who have visited me here before know I do not speak of politics or religions but I have another concern that bothers me so; a group of people we have thrown away the key on-VA Vets. I have met and spoken with many men who returned from this war and thier experiences they shared with me are images that will never leave my mind and I can not begin to know thier inner sufferings. These boys were patted on the back and sent off with great support to defend thier country and so many of them died for thier country and our only acknowledgement is a wall bearing thier names. At least they were honored, as they should have been.
     But what about the young boys that came back broken down into old men with scarred minds and tattered souls-what about them? I will tell you- they came back and I watched a biography where people actually spat on them-the support was gone. Many are jobless-employers see them as not viable-or too many are homeless. We offered up no help to these that served thier country when they returned to a shell of a home. I honor those men, hold a hand high and grant them thier due attention. They are people too and deserve the same chances as anyone else. Let us no longer turn our heads and continue to forget about the betrayed and forgotten...

Monday, March 18, 2013

The buck stops...

     I would really love to address this since we seem to live in a current state of world where no one takes the blame and everyone points a finger-where does the buck stop?! Call upon those large companies and they will tell you that the "buck stops" with the presisdent or CEO; try getting a hold of one of them. You can have an issue in a grocery store and they will tell you that the "buck stops" with the manager or district manager but we all know that is a push-off because no one wishes to have to handle an issue. "I am sorry but you will have to contact..."- I get so tired of hearing this and from being shifted from one department to the next.
      I am convinced that the there is barely a right hand out there that knows what the left one  is doing and neither hand will take blame but merely push you over to someone else who will be able to help you. People are quick to jump up and down to take credit for something but when an issue arises then no one wants to be involved, no one seems to have answers, and no one really seems to have an explaination. Where does it end?, Where do we draw the line? When does it end? It can end here and now and we can get out those markers and draw some of those lines if only someone with enough guts to mean it stood up more often and said, "The buck stops...HERE!"

Friday, March 15, 2013

Another book signing

   Good day all- I have a new post coming this morning but wanted to post this because I am excited. This will be the fourth one in four different places. thanks for just visiting it.

Meet the Author
Pamela Scholes
At Joffery’s
1155 Virginia Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30354
April 5th 2013
From 11:30am until 2 pm
Another book signing coming up so I graciously accept some wishes of good luck! Thanks ahead of time.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I wish...

     If I were in the position to hand out and grant wishes I would wish so much for so many. I would wish that I could let everyone see the world through my eyes and me see it in return through their eyes. I would wish that for one harmonious moment that all in the world had a voice of song and sang it together in exultation. I would wish that everyone we smiled at would smile back at us, show a tiny fraction of kindness. I would most certainly wish for more love to be in more hearts and that those hearts beat in unison with another.
     I would wish for more times to laugh and less times to cry even though I understand that they are both important. I would wish that for a moments time that all people felt no hunger, had shelter, and got to feel what it feels like to be free. I would wish for every ear to hear the birds and every eye to see the sunrise. I would above all wish peace in all souls, a place for peace to be safe and protected. I could go on and on and share my wishes forever and hopefully with these words; I am. I wish...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The square circle...

       Life is a circle, it goes around and keeps coming back around; that is its natural course. We, however, have this little tendency to build a perfect box around our circle, with every corner sternly guarded. Why do such a thing? I can not answer that question, though it bears asking, for I would suppose everyones box would all be for different reasons.
        But, the circle needs to breathe and be able to grow and expand. It needs room, all the room in the world, to fully become its complete full being. The box only smothers your circle and no matter your reasons, the result is only temporary I assure you. Let your life be free to become all that it can instead of living in a square circle...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Inside the outside...

     Sounds strange to the ears doesn't it? We live on the inside so much that we have become complacent and don't even realize that we are struggling internally for we are seeing the world through our little bubble. Get outside, go in wonder through the padded woods with no particular direction in mind and explore where the paths take you; those paths worn by many before you. Go outside and lean in to the cool waters of the stream and scoop up the dirt and rocks below, shake and sift it until you find your nugget of gold.
      Venture outside and let your hair down, do something you have never done but always wanted to-pretend that today is the only day you have to get it done. Absorb like a sponge how, while in play, the squirrells are at such peace and unafraid of what lays beyond thier world. Listen to the birds and let your voice ring in harmony with thier song. So much knowledge and experiences await us on this journey so try to flourish by getting on the inside of the outside...