Tuesday, May 14, 2024

For both our Heroes and our Unsung Heroes...

 As crazy as things are all around us in every direction it is still very true that it does not take much at all to be a hero. You can change a person's day or even a whole life direction for another just by extending yourself. To make it simply put a stranger having a tough time may need nothing more than a smile to lift them up...you can do that can't you? Surely, we could each spare a simple smile. Share a thought of wisdom to one who is on an unfamiliar ground that you have been on. Pass along personal advice from the "I have been there point of view." There is so little of it out there anymore that having that personal touch approach is such a welcomed thing. Often times folks can get blinded by the view of only one possible avenue so always try to offer someone another side to consider, another route they may not have thought of. Share the flowers from the garden growing within you and hand someone a bouquet of happiness. Listen to another even when there is nothing you can say for lending an ear is oftentimes what one truly wants, to have nothing more than a sounding board. For each of those instances you are, to the other person, their absolute hero for that moment in time. And I am willing to bet that neither of you ever forget that "hero moment."

You may know many of the lives to whom you are their hero just by any acts of kindness you do that mean a mountain to another. Do not ever fear or ever be afraid to touch the life of as many as you can for that life will touch us back and two people end up winning. We get immediate rewards for our efforts and our humanity by having our hearts full and happy. There is also a stream of folks that we somehow touch that we do not know of or realize that what we said in the grocery store line is exactly what someone else needed to hear and that may have shed positive light on them. In those cases that we managed to bring about good vibes to any stranger then we have become their Unsung Hero...

In a world of technology try to maintain the human touch...

Pam's late-night thoughts


  1. This is an inspiring post Pam

    1. Thank you...I am so glad you like it and inspiration is a good thing!
