Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The looking glass...

Mirror, Mirror on the wall,

The only truth to tell it all. 

Yes indeed...it’s those, often dreaded, all truth telling mirrors that we just don’t always have it in us to stare into every day. See, if we really have it coming then the mirror will be the first one to let us know it and the first one to let us have it and those are the times we will absolutely and deliberately avoid them all! Well, I call them the looking glass and if looked into properly it will shed so much light on us and the who we are way deep down inside. It takes courage to stand before the looking glass, bare and raw, with no mask, and ask that reflection some serious questions. It takes courage because what you will receive back from the looking glass is the truth, sometimes the brutal truth, and it takes pure grit to deal with the brutal truth. We have to be strong enough to ask what stares back at us if we are happy with who we really are right now. We have to soil our hands in that garden growing within us and discuss facts and truths about ourselves with ourselves. That's right, only we hold the answers to who we are inside and the answers to who we wish to become. We know the steps required to reach our goals. We know whether or not we are content with what that mirror has to say. If we have fallen short on something, then the mirror will call us out on it, and it will tell us to get up and to go try again! For some people having to take self-action brings about fear as we are making a bargain with ourselves to take that action, and we best not break that bargain as it will disappoint the mirror the most. All of that is just another part of the deals we make with ourselves, and we have to want that change, badly enough, to work hard enough to be able to smile for that smile back from our looking glass. There is so much we can learn from ourselves; we know far more than we even realize. There are always many questions to ask that reflection in the mirror and it will indeed answer you honestly…it will give you the uncoated sugar version. It shall, however, keep us in check if we converse, more often, with the reflection in the looking glass...the mirror hanging on the wall. Let us not, however, overlook the positive, uplifting feeling of success when that reflection does smile back at us approvingly for a job well done...why, that is just about the best feeling ever!

Pam’s morning thoughts for the day…


  1. All inspiring post!!

    1. Thank you so much as most important to me is that the reader takes away a piece of something better. I am so happy that you did.
