Monday, September 2, 2024

Butterflies and happiness...


I have often said that, to me, butterflies are much like happiness as if you will just sit quietly still sometimes it may simply land upon you…what a lovely thought.

Butterflies can resemble the road of our own path as they begin their journey as an egg which hatches into a caterpillar which will transform into the third stage called pupa, and the last stage shall set free a beautiful butterfly. From egg to butterfly is a 4-week metamorphosis period. Now, prior to the butterfly stage there is nothing that attracts the eye to it, other than the cute fuzzy caterpillar phase. There is nothing spectacular that pops out at us during those transformations that must take place to produce such a graceful vibrant creature as the butterfly…and yet, wow, what changes it certainly did make. It will find it wings and it will soar wherever those wings may take it, but it will have only so much time to do so as the average life span of most butterflies is only 1-2 weeks.

Think about it though…think about our many transformations from inception to adulthood and how each phase is so important to the success of the next phase. Like all things we grow as we go, and we too will have a time frame in which to find our wings and soar and to be the beautiful unique person that we have blossomed into. So, if the stage of the butterfly brings happiness, to those who gaze at it, by doing nothing more than floating all around on its wings of splendid color, as it was meant to, then we should be able to emit that same happiness by being the vibrant person that we are meant to be. 

And when the hustle and bustle of noisy, daily life drowns out your vibrancy and shadows your happiness then sit quietly down somewhere and take a break…perhaps happiness in a butterfly will simply land upon you…and I promise that it will make you feel good inside as all of the noise is lost while we watch this beautiful butterfly dance all around us before gently taking a seat on our bended knee. It is sharing its joy with us so long as we sit still and after fluttering its wings a bit it will lift off again as we watch it find a new place to briefly perch. The joy it shared has now resurrected our happiness so now we may get up and move on. It’s a glorious combo…butterflies and happiness.

Pam’s late-night happy thoughts…

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