Monday, July 1, 2024

Someday You Shall Know

 Last night my darling, as you slept, I thought I heard you sigh,

So, to your little crib I crept and watched from a space thereby.

Then bending down I kissed your brow, for oh I love you so,

You are too young to know it now but someday you shall know.

I hope sometimes as I whisper that you can hear me speak,

So your little eyes will see sweet dreams in your calm and peaceful sleep.

The speechless lips and wrinkled brow, your precious smile may show,

You are too young to know it now but someday you shall know.

I watch you here so tiny and fragile and it makes my heart just swell,

For the time will come for you to find your way and I will hope I served you well.

Look backward then in later years and see me here tonight,

See my darling the tears of love that are falling as I write.

And may you feel, once more, upon your brow the kiss from long ago,

You are too young to understand it now, but someday you shall know.

Author Note

"I wrote this poem in the 3rd grade on red construction paper and brought it home to my mother...I still have the original piece with its very faded but still legible #2 lead pencil writing. This is clearly written from a parent's point of view and why it came to me like this at such a young age remains a mystery as very few words were ever edited."

The above is a poem from my latest release "Through the Eyes of Life" at its 11-year anniversary reprint with newly added "Author Notes" at the end of each poem. It was such a joy writing this book of life and I invite everyone to my website and read more about the book. If you happen to fancy a copy, then you may purchase one VIA my secure square checkout. I will ship an autographed copy to you within two days. Find me at 

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