Thursday, August 1, 2024

What are our Fur-babies thinking?

Our Fur-babies and those looks we get when we talk to them or just kinda catch them looking at us…what are they thinking? Now my BIG boy Bo will sit perfectly so with back straight and head held high and ears cocked and slightly tilt his head from side to side with intent eyes while I ramble on to him. "The Bo Look,” as we all call it, comes in a variety of flavors depending on what I’m talking about. If it’s food, he’s all in already, then when I tell him “Good boy but you have to wait till Pammy is done first” the head begins to tilt first this way then the other like “Wait? Why?” or the ole “yea that’s what you said last time, and I didn’t get any, told me it was all gone gone!” And I love asking him questions because if I look at him very serious and talk to him and ask him what he thinks, the tilting of the head looks more like he’s thinking “I know some of what she said but I can’t get that last part!” It could go on and on because my boy has some looks that you can’t keep a straight face over and he actually gets feet bouncing happy when I get tickled at him. Sometimes I swear he understands every word I’ve said, better than anyone I’ve talked to all day, and that he wants me to know that he knows. We’ve got it like that…the silent understanding. And every once in a while, I think tilting of the head means “she’s nuts! Should I tell her?!” And then there is "The Dreaded Bo Look” when that knock comes at the door and it’s not a scent he recognizes…then it’s all business and his full big boy bark is on! He answers my door…I let him decide who comes in and who doesn’t. But if he totally digs you then just shake his hand, be his friend, and definitely scratch his BIG head! Our Fur-babies are well entertained by us I do believe.

Pam's evening laughs at "The Bo Looks"

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