Sunday, August 11, 2024

The "financially less fortunate class..."

  Let me begin by saying that I am not much of a political person nor is this intended to be a political post but what I have to say is from the view of a person who cares and will hope others will or do care also. This subject is not rocket science nor does it really take any more than good old plain common sense to, at least partially, see the picture that needs to be painted. I have listened to the talk of what so many governmental talkers have talked about throughout the last too many years and there is one thing that has always troubled me greatly, for no political person or official or any department has ever uttered a single word mentioning this troublesome concern of mine. My concern always lies with that group of hardworking, underpaid, and bill shuffling folks in the system who are all the way down...the lower class as they have been labeled. First of all, let's knock out that label and address them as they are, the financially less fortunate class. 

I hear, and have always heard, about what things will affect the middle-class and/or the upper-class folks. I am afraid that until someone steps forth and acknowledges that we do have a less fortunate class then we may not be giving some of the eager people in the world a chance simply because they go unmentioned and quietly overlooked. Turning heads has never been known to make an issue just up and go away or miraculously fix itself. This is a large, sad, and personal saga of a concern to me for I know full well the plight of the less fortunate class and it is not some new wave group of folks, nope...been here all along. We have so much and yet we solve so little. We have so many homeless, we have so many that go hungry (including children), we have so many with zero health care of any kind. I find it more than a fair question to ask: how can those situations exist when we claim to have so much? Every person out there deserves a chance, deserves to be acknowledged, deserves an out reached hand, deserves to have a voice, and deserves to have that voice heard. To not acknowledge that, perhaps, we should begin building up the less fortunate class first, so that it may boost the middle-class, would be like throwing up a roadblock against prosperity. If you really do the math then you can see that the blood, sweat, and tears has almost always began with the less fortunate class but if harnessed properly and harvested rewardingly it could be the biggest domino effect of one rung on the low part of the ladder pushing the next rung (middle class) up to make room for that lower rung to finally climbed out of the less fortunate class. 

Well, it makes a point to me that it warrants acknowledging this class of folks and to entertain the reality that the less fortunate class is indeed the foundation everything else stands upon...they are the stone and mortar, and they are the spokes of the wheels that keep us inching forward. And please let me close by announcing that the less fortunate class are generally less fortunate financially, but they are some of the richest folks among all in so many fulfilling ways for they cherish dearly the little that they do have and the love of those they share it with. And times are a changing again, the winds are shifting so let them shift so that they swoop up and build up and eliminate this financially less fortunate is time to embrace their important role in the overall success of the big picture of life.

Pam's serious late-night thoughts

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