Saturday, August 17, 2024


Let's examine your mind-dust...

Don’t you ever have those thoughts about something, like how terrible broccoli smells when it cooks, and wonder if anyone else thinks of it that way? Haven’t you ever been some place new and yet it just felt so familiar that it seemed you had been there before, to the point, that you begin to question if maybe you had been there in some other time? Or haven't you ever met some perfect stranger somewhere and yet felt as if you had known this stranger for all of your life after ten minutes of conversation and just be awe struck at how you feel sure the two paths must have crossed somewhere? Haven’t you, at least one honest time, hung a rope of hope around that shooting star you made that wish upon and wondered quietly if anyone else did that? Haven't you ever laid down and stared at the blue sky and let your imagination make specific shapes and characters out of the big, fluffy clouds and wondered what someone else thought it looked like?

The answer to most of these is most likely an overwhelming “yes!” We think more alike than we think we do and those floating, flight-full, playful, oddity pondering thoughts are just swirls of mind-dust that we all have…much of it is simple curiosity and most of us have many curiosities about a slew of different things…it’s amazing how common the odd things can be. Let it always swirl and twirl about in your head for if your mind-dust settles then so may your curious questions, your keen observations, and your yearning to wonder settle as well. Keep your mind open with lots of space and freely welcome and entertain your own many whooshes of mind-dust.

Pam's late-night, mind-dusting thoughts...

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