Tuesday, November 19, 2024

What we can count on...

You have to examine every facet of that diamond of "what we can count on."

 I know it is hard to believe but there are so many things in this ever changing, daily life of ours that are still constant, that we can still count on. Everything seems to shift every moment and as soon as we get use to a thing, that thing changes. We all need and want a few things we can look to as things we can depend on to always be as they are. Those things can be such a comfort but beware for not all of those constants are welcome ones as both good and not so good things will be among them. As you read, and weigh the two, let your scales tip in favor of the good things. The two things range far and wide, from one simple end to one complicated end of the spectrum. They are, at least, things we can count on.

      The sky will always be above us, and the water will always quench us. True friends will always stay, and enemies will always try to. Once a lie is told then no apology erases the memory and, as well, when we touch another life then nothing erases that memory either. It will always be easier to give in, but it will always be more rewarding to never give up. 

       The birds will always sing and morning will always follow night. We know that the clouds will always change as they move and that the mountains will always stand large if they are not moved. Tended to properly we know that things will always grow and that left alone, things will often perish. It is the air that will always fill our lungs and love that will always fill our hearts. A new day will always challenge us, and a new sunset will always satisfy us. The list dances across each facet of this diamond and some things would wish to steal its shine while other things polish it brightly. So, when things seem scattered to the four winds with that turbulent howl, try to hush the noise and concentrate on the better side of what we can count on...

Pam’s late-night thoughts…

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