Monday, October 14, 2024

I don't think I can make it to Friday!!!

 We all know the look of “I just don’t think I can make it to Friday!" And those looks, I swear, begin right out of the weekly gate!

The Hair Do that should have remained in place for a day or two, at least in some way, has fallen by noon on Monday about the same time we realize that that other sock IS navy, not black! The lunch we took the time to make, to bring to work, will just have to wait because if we don’t take that 5–10minute break when we can then we don’t get any break…not today! Those “I’ve missed lunch today” glares peak by Tuesday and now everyone is suspect looking over who is going to be “the one” that tips my teapot! You dread Wednesday so bad, as the last two days didn’t close the deal that great, that you can’t sleep Tuesday night and the more frustrated you get, the more you toss and turn. So now we drag ourselves out of bed Wednesday morning and shuffle to the coffee maker with that “I haven’t slept or had coffee so whatever it is I’m not the answer” look! We walk into work and people just stare as they keep their distance, wondering what our grumbling face is all about while wearing their “gosh I hope it’s not me” pleading faces. Even the dog had sensed the aura that “it’s not a good time” and will hold it before indicating to us they need to go out! Wednesday will officially be the longest day on earth by 1:30 as we now scoot around to the beat of the slowest ticking clock ever! By the time the workday ends we half walk, half shuffle to our cars, in a daze, to join the masses filled with road rage for the manic, lane fighting ride home! Of course, that 2% chance of rain arrived, in the form of a monsoon, half hour ago and had clearly poured the whole time. We manage to survive our way home, only to get soaking wet after deciding “it’s not going to let up” and making that mad dash from the car to the front door. Oh, don’t forget about the puddle of water we parked in and stepped into gearing up for that mad dash to safety and how our shoes and feet are sloshing wet, and how our hair is flatly stuck to our head! We rip the wet clothes off and yank on the loosest most comfy thing we own and collapse onto the couch. We begin to, without realizing it, pray about Thursday as the chances of seeing Friday seem very distant! Too tired to cook anything we settle on a banana and go to bed hungry! The alarm clock sounds off Thursday morning and we angrily slap it quiet! We know that no amount of coffee in the world can pull us from that “I don’t want to go to work” plotting mentality! Only because we have to, we suck it up and get prepared for battle and stomp our way into work wearing that “not today folks” smear with that "I dare you" grin! The chance of un-wrinkling our smug face is not looking good. We hide in our offices, the back of the break room, pretend to be on the phone, and consume more coffee than we should. Now we are truly on the edge! Two days later, it seems, 5:00 rolls around and we flee like the school bell just let out at recess to discover we have forgotten our purse or briefcase on our desk and begin to argue with ourselves about whether we REALLY need it today or not! Of course, we had missed lunch again and concede that we must produce some kind of dinner. We put the food on the stove to cook and have a seat. The situation has now entered the point of no return, and we lay our head down for just a moment and it's lights out while the food bubbles and boils. This is the final straw, and all evidence is screaming “I just don’t think I can make it to Friday." We have approached the finish line but the “crossing it feeling” has negatively consumed us. And you find yourself looking just like the pic below…exhausted and filled with the “I just don’t care” attitude. Friday survival just can’t be thought about as we accept that we probably will not win. I’m going to cease here as Friday remains to be seen…I am curious how many will make it thru that dreadful day figuring “Murphys Law” awaits us where everything that could go wrong most likely will! Exhibit A rests below! Enjoy the laughs of “I don’t think I can make it to Friday” looks!”

Pam's early morning chuckles...