Thursday, December 6, 2012

When no one is looking...

      " We are who we are when no one is looking." It is a sad fact that this is a truth for many. And I have to ask WHY? Why can you not be proud of who you are and the accomplishments you have made? If we spend our time trying to be who everyone else wants us to be or expects us to be then it just becomes habit and we start to believe that they are right. When alone in a darkened place at times the demons of letting ourselves slip away come to taunt us.
       We mustn't cower away and let go of  the things that make us who we really are only when we are alone. Be proud, be confident, be comfortable in your own skin and be brave enough to it show the world. Be YOU everyday, all the time. Not everyone will like you for it and that is okay for you do not need those people who are judgemental. Turn loose your passion in this life, there is no time to waste. Throw yourself to the four winds and experience the freedom of being you; always being you, not just when no one is looking...

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